May 2016

“Blue Planet Globe”: by “WikiImages”: is licensed under “Creative Commons CC0”:

Beyond YML Files - dynamic translations

By Dana Jones

The standard I18n implementation has you store your translation in .YML files in your project. This solution requires developer involvement and project redeployment any time a translation needs to change. Translations are data - not code - so a better solution is to empower an admin to make these changes herself.

Volunteering for BitCamp GR

By Laura Mosher

Volunteering at BitCamp GR, by Software GR, is an amazing day-long event to teach young girls software development.

How We Work: Space

By Daniel Morrison

Our space is a bit different than many offices, but is a reflection of how we work.

Creating a Mentally Healthy Work Environment

By Sasha Wolff

There are a number of things an employer can do to create and foster a happy and healthy workforce.

3 Excellent Reasons to Try Green Commuting

By Sasha Wolff

Air pollution is a problem that affects everyone. So to help combat the problem, we tried green commuting for a week. Here are our top tips!

GitHub's Price Hike and Why We're OK With It

By Daniel Morrison

GitHub is changing their prices for organizations. Here’s why you should stop worrying.

Pitfalls of a Legacy iOS Project

By Chris Rittersdorf

What seemed like a simple-reskinning turned into a much more involved project. It’s codebase that’s sat dormant for a few years, and that posed difficulty finishing tasks in the time we originally thought it would.

The following covers a few of the lessons we learned. That way you can be aware of pitfalls the next time you have to update a legacy iOS application.

Walk Through the Collective Idea Office

We’re in the middle of expanding our office in located in Downtown Holland. Before we unveil the office it its entirety, check out our previous [i] space in 3D!

CODE Film Review: Diversity in Computing

By Victoria Gonda

We held hosted a screening of CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap in Graves Hall on the Hope College campus, and are happy with the conversations it started about the lack of women and minorities in the computing industry. The film, and the discussion that followed emphasized two important efforts when approaching this issue: exposure and support.