October 2016

Troubleshooting Feature Specs

By Allison McMillan

Figuring out why your feature tests are failing can be difficult, especially when setting up the first few tests in the codebase.

Teaching the Future to Code

By Sasha Wolff

This past weekend we shared our coding knowledge with some eager 7th and 8th-grade girls ready to create their own websites with BitCampGR.

BitCamp GR at Collective Idea

By Laura Mosher

We are very excited to be hosting our very first BitCamp GR event this weekend in conjunction with Hope College Computer Science Department.

How to Create a Trending Hashtag

By Daniel Morrison

During the third and final Presidential Debate, the hashtag #TrumpBookReport was trending on Twitter. Turns out, I created this hashtag sensation, and I can teach you my tricks.

Retrofitting Espresso

By Joshua Kovach

You don’t need an IdlingResource, and sleep() is fickle. Make Espresso wait for your observables running on background schedulers with this one cool trick!

Your User Can’t Click Your Floating Action Button

By Victoria Gonda

An easy way to make your Android app’s main action more accessible for people using screen readers.

Bundler's Multiple Source Security Vulnerability

By Steve Richert

While working on a project, I discovered a major security vulnerability that affects all stable versions of Bundler.

4 Twitter Tips to Use at the Next Conference You Attend

By Sasha Wolff

Networking is taking place both online and offline at conferences big and small. Here are a few tips to help you out with virtual networking.