Collective Idea acquires Harmony from GitHub

We’re very excited to announce that Collective Idea has acquired Harmony from GitHub.

Harmony is an amazing app for building websites, and we’re very excited to help guide it to continued greatness. We’ve long been friends of the Ordered List and GitHub teams, and a beta customer of Harmony. We have frequently suggested features, reported issues, and talked through the development, so we know the app pretty well.

After Ordered List was acquired by GitHub, we wanted to ensure that Harmony would continue to receive the time and care that such a great product deserves. We’re very excited to now have the opportunity.

Our first goal is to talk to our existing customers and determine what directions they want to see Harmony go. We certainly have ideas and plans of our own, but we don’t want to change what works.

In the coming months, we’ll be rolling out additional features, speedups and goodness.

If you haven’t looked at Harmony, I encourage you to give it a shot. It truly makes building sites fun again, and it can be used for everything from static sites to blogs to full-featured forms.

We’ve long used it for this blog and many others. We love Harmony and know many of you do too. We look forward to taking it to new heights.

Photo of Daniel Morrison

Daniel founded Collective Idea in 2005 to put a name to his growing and already full-time freelance work. He works hard writing code, teaching, and mentoring.


  1. April 13, 2012 at 10:45 AM

    I am very pleased to hear that you have acquired Harmony, I can’t think of a better company to head this up!

  2. April 13, 2012 at 11:03 AM


  3. April 13, 2012 at 11:18 AM

    Congrats dmo! :)